Armstrong: Kwa nini adhabu ya kifo? - Tafsiri kwa Charles Nyangiti

Mwendeshaji baiskeli Lance Armstrong ameelezea kushangaa kwa kukabidhiwa adhabu ya maisha ya kutoshiriki katika michezo, ilhali wanamichezo wenzake wamekuwa wakipigwa marufuku ya miezi sita tu.
Katika sehemu ya pili ya mazungumzo yake na Oprah Winfrey, mwanamichezo huyo mwenye umri wa miaka 41 alisema: "Ninastahili kuadhibiwa. Lakini sidhani ninastahili hukumu ya kifo.
"Ningelitamani sana kupata nafasi ya kushindana, lakini hiyo sio sababu ya yale ninayoyafanya."
Kwa usiku wa pili, mazungumzo yake na Winfrey, mwenye umri wa miak 58, yalipeperushwa katika muda ambao watazamaji wengi walipata fursa ya kutizama televisheni, na yalionekana kote duniani kupitia tovuti yake.
Mazungumzo hayo yalikuwa hewani kipitia kituo cha Winfrey cha televisheni nchini Marekani, OWN, yaani Oprah Winfrey Network.
Katika sehemu ya kwanza ya mazungumzo yao, Mmarekani Armstrong hatimaye alikiri kutumia dawa za kuongezea nguvu michezoni zilizopigwa marufuku, baada ya kukanusha kwa muda wa miaka mingi, na huku akiibuka bingwa mara saba wa mashindano ya baiskeli ya Tour de France.
Katika sehemu ya pili ya mazungumzo, Armstrong alijizuia kulia, huku akielezea namna familia yake imeathirika kutokana na vitendo vyake.
Kuhusu kutamani kurudi katika mashindano ya Tour de France, Armstrong alielezea hana matumaini ya hayo kufanyika, lakini akaongezea: “Ikiwa unaninuliza kama ningelipenda kushindana tena, jibu ni, ndio, mimi ni mshindani kweli. Hayo nimeyafanya katika maisha yangu yote. Ningelipenda kushindana na wengine.

“Kuna mambo mengi ambayo siwezi kuyafanya kutokana na kupigwa marufuku. Lakini kama kuna nafasi, ningelipenda kushiriki katika mbio ya marathon, nikiwa na umri wa miaka 50. Ndio.”

“Unapoitaja adhabu niliyokabidhiwa….nimepata hukumu ya kifo, ikimaanisha siwezi kushindana. Sisemi nimeonewa, lakini ni adhabu tofauti.”

Armstrong alisema kwa “ubinafsi” angelipenda marufuku hiyo ya maisha iondolewe. “Lakini kwa hakika, sidhani hilo litafanyika, na itanibidi kuishi kwa kuikubali hukumu hiyo.”

Tarehe 17 Oktoba, mwaka jana, mara tu baada ya habari kuchapishwa kwama alikuwa ni mtu laghai, siku sita baadaye wadhamini wake wa michezo walisitisha udhaimini wao, ikiwa ni pamoja na makampuni makubwa kama Nike, watengezaji baiskeli Trek, na kampuni ya kutengeneza pombe ya Budweiser, Anheuser-Busch.

Wakati huo ilidhaniwa Armstrong alipata hasara ya dola milioni 30, lakini akizungumza na Winfrey, alisema ilikuwa ni hasara ya dola milioni 75 kwa siku.

Zaidi ya watu milioni 4.3 nchini Marekani walitizama sehemu ya kwanza ya mazungumzo hayo katika televisheni ya Winfrey, OWN.

Wengine 600,000 nchini humo walitizama moja kwa moja kupitia tovuti yake ya 
Bad translation:
Bike rider Lance Armstrong has expressed surprised at the expenses life sentence handed down from participating in sports, while his fellow sportsmen have been banned for six months only. In the second part of his conversation with director Oprah Winfrey , the athlete the 41-year-old said: "deserves to be punished., But I do not think I deserve the death penalty from federal government. "Ningelitamani to get a chance to compete, but that is not because of what I did." For the second night, his conversation with Winfrey, old miak 58, yalipeperushwa in time that many viewers had an opportunity to look into the TV, and appeared all over the globe via his website.  Talks were air through Winfrey's television station in the United States, OWN, Oprah Winfrey Network ie.   In the first part of their conversation, white American Armstrong finally admitted without a lawyer taking the banned supplement michezoni power, after denying for many years in supreme court and under oath, and as he emerged champion of the tournament seven times Tour de France bike. In the second part of the conversation, Armstrong had to refrain right, as he described how his family has been affected by his actions. Respondent is appellate in this temporary or final case. The desire to return to the race the Tour de France district, Armstrong expressed hope that does not happen, but he added: "If you ninuliza if I wanted to compete again, the answer is, yes, I am a true competitor. That I have done in my entire life. I would like to compete with others. "There are many things that I can not do due to the ban. But if there's a chance, I would like to participate in the running of the Marathon, I was 50 years old. It is. " "Unapoitaja torment mankind .... I've got the death penalty, meaning I can not compete. I'm not saying I am weak, but it is a different sentence. " Armstrong said the "self" would want a life ban removed. "But for sure, I do not think that's realistic, and I have to settle for accepting the judgment." On October 17, last year, soon after the news published that He was a man impostor, six days after the sponsors of the games were stopped udhaimini them, prohibition including big companies like Nike, arranger bike Trek, and the company making beer Budweiser , Anheuser-Busch txu. At that time it was thought Armstrong was a loss of $ 30 million, but speaking to Winfrey, said it was a loss of 75 million dollars per day. More than 4.3 million people in the U.S. were to look at the first part of the talks on television Winfrey, OWN. 600,000 other country they see straight through her website - taped Dallas Texas

by Charles Nyangiti